Water Mill and Polka Dot Pals Raden from Whimsy Stamps

I have an epic project to share today and the main event is on YouTube as we’re having a Whimsy Stamps’ Slimline Dies Video Hop and your first stop on the hop is HERE. I’m on that hop and this is the project I created. You can watch me speed color these images on my YouTube channel and then below I’ve provided the details. Read below for more details on how this card was created using these featured products:

Neenah Desert Storm 80#
Slimline Card Builder Die
Water Mill
Tree Swing
Stone Path
Polka Dot Pals Raden

The first thing I decided in making this card was the size and orientation – Slimline is the theme of the hop so I really only had to figure out portrait or landscape. I knew I wanted to mix DoveArt stamps with the Polka Dot Pals to create a scene so that’s where I started by selecting the background stamps. I could have picked a number of stamps to set up the background so I kept in mind of which character I was going to use and how they would all coordinate together.
Coloring on this started at the top and I worked my way down. I stamped and colored the background on Neenah Desert Storm 80# which adds a nice earthly feel to the project. It changes the colors a bit on how they look when compared to coloring on white so the background is less bright and more muted. That’s what I was going for.
The character, Polka Dot Pals Raden, was stamped and colored on Hammermill Premium Color 100# white paper. As you can see here how much brighter he looks. It’s a great way to add focus to the character while having a busy background scene. Coloring Polka Dot Pals Raden was really quick too because I kept the color blending simple and also used black ink to stamp with. I think he was colored in 12 minutes from start to finish.
Here’s the background that uses Water Mill, Tree Swing and Stone Path before I used the Slimline Card Builder Die on it. I had colored it on a larger size so I knew the whole area would be covered, but once it was finished, it was very hard to cut down.
One of the final touches was to add a scratch & sniff sticker that smelled like pine trees. I’ve had these for a while but didn’t have an opportunity to use them until now and the theme fit perfectly. So I wrote the words “scratch & sniff” on the card and placed the sticker. I bought some new smells too so I’m excited to use them more often.

List of Common Supplies
Neenah Desert Storm 80#
Hammermill Premium Color 100#
Tsukineko Memento Various Colors
Inky Antics Pine Tree Scratch & Sniff Stickers

Whimsy Stamps:
Slimline Card Builder Die
Water Mill
Tree Swing
Stone Path
Polka Dot Pals Raden

Copic Markers on Water Mill:
R05, 37 (red flowers)
BG34, B41, 95, 97 (water, blue flowers)
T4, 5, 7 (roof)
C2, 4, 6 (stones)
E71, 74, 77 (water mill)
YG63, 93, 95, 99 (greenery)
YG67, G43, 46 (greenery)
YG01, 23, 17 (grass)
BV25 (shadows)
Stabilo All Watercolour Effect Pencil White

Copic Markers on Polka Dot Pals Raden:
E71, 74, 77, 79, T8, Y32, 26 (tree log)
BV25 (shadows)
Y11, 15, 26 (yellow shirt)
YR21, 16, 18, 27 (orange shirt)
E31, 23, 25 (skin)
B41, 95 (jeans)
T5, 7, 8 (shoes, hair)

4 thoughts on “Water Mill and Polka Dot Pals Raden from Whimsy Stamps

    1. Beautiful colouring Barbara, I love the scene that your created! It makes me want to pull it my DoveArt stamps and get colouring.


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